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Monastic Life Is...

Lydia Wylie-Kellerman, author of This Sweet Earth: Walking with Our Children in the Age of Climate Collapse, will converse with us about her new book on Monday, August 19, at the Inner-city Neighborhood Art House from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. The Art House is located at 201 East 10th Street in Erie.

In a new op-ed, Sister Jacqueline Sanchez-Small, writer for Emmaus Ministries, answers, "Why do I volunteer at Emmaus?"

Benedictines for Peace invites you to walk 25 miles—the length of Gaza—while praying for the peoples of this region and for an immediate ceasefire. Walk where you are and as you can. Walk with others or alone, outdoors or indoors, before Labor Day.

Artist of the Monastery, Sister Margaret Ann Pilewski, recently joined other local artists in support of making music available for underprivileged children. The Instruments of Hope fundraiser will auction off 18 painted/decorated violins by Erie’s finest artists and all proceeds raised will provide underserved children with stringed instruments and free music lessons. Read more here. The fundraiser is July 26 at City Gallery in Erie.

Sister Jacqueline Sanchez-Small (left) is the 2024 American Benedictine Academy (ABA) Essay contest winner. Sister Jeana Visel, OSB, president, presents Sister Jacqueline with her award. Read her essay, “As Soon As A Poor Person Cries Out”: A Benedictine Response to Poverty

A team of oblates celebrated the Feast of St. Benedict on July 11 by serving guests at Emmaus Soup kitchen. “We are so grateful to this team of oblates who regularly bring their monastic presence to our guests,” observed Sister Val Luckey, Director of Emmaus Ministries.

Interreligious Dialogue is the theme of the new US Secretariat of the Alliance for International Monasticism newsletter. Read it now.

Winners of the 2024 Benedictine Sisters Annual Draw were chosen Sunday, July 7. Antoinette B, Erie, was the $2000 winner. Sharon T, Shoreham, Vermont, won $1000 and Jennifer O of Wadsworth, Ohio won $500. The three $100 winners were Virginia V, Erie, Michael G, Fairview, and Helen D, Erie. Congratulations to our winners! Thank you to everyone who participated in this success fundraiser--your contributions amounted to $45,000 that will be used to support the work of the community, help care for the monastery, and provide for the sisters. Pictured are Sister Linda Romey, coordinator of communications and development, Sister Stephanie Schmidt, prioress, and Heather Cloutier, database administrator.